Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can't time stand still - just this once?

AAAHHH!!! I've been so busy getting my website in order (well, actually .... my husband has done all the hard yards!) But still, I have my say.... regularly.

We're off to the Adelaide Mathilda's Market THIS SUNDAY!!!! Yay! But I need more time to sew. I've got so much I want to do and only a few hours each day to do it.

Anyway, come visit us at Mathilda's

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Market in Melbourne

We had a great time in Melbourne! The market was a success and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves....who doesn't love a market?
I stayed on at my sister's house and for the rest of the week I shopped and shopped and ate cakes and lots of coffee and then some Op Shopping!!
I found a dress to wear to a family wedding and on the last day I found shoes too.
My dress is simple and actually looks pretty good (if I say so myself!) so I'm hoping to take my whole look in the style of the 1940's. So I've researched cocktail hats and I'm half way through making one. Now I need to decide on hair style to compliment hat and gloves and I'm done.
Did you ever think that you were born in the wrong era?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bye Bye Baby.....
We have a cosy home. (Does "COSY" always have to mean "SMALL"?) My 2 big girls share a room and our toddler has been in our room since birth. At the beginning of the year we finished building an office out the back. This freed up a room inside to be a nursery. YIPPEE!!

I lovingly painted it and got most of the furniture in place but since this room was our old office, we couldn't move the modem until we had a certain cord or attachment. This room was in limbo for 6 months. Half nursery-half office. Then we got busy and distracted and changing rooms went down on the priority list. It was so frustrating!!!!

Finally and quite suddenly, I was desperate to move said child out and it happened all in one afternoon! DONE!! She's out and I can have the light on at night and maybe read or whatever I like. Yippee!! I feel like a real adult not one of the kids in a dormatory.


Monopoly Cars. I love these fabrics!!

Whenever I play this game - I forget to make others pay rent, I go to jail heaps and I never win! But I LOVE the tiny houses and the silver shoe, dog and wheelbarrow the best.

I'm gearing up for another market. This one is in Melbourne. I've cut out the main car and van bits but now I'm ready to applique in windows and doors. This can be a little tricky. But I have fun putting them together.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Nana gave me one of her two Lamenex and Chrome dining tables and said I can have the chairs later on. Well, I just saw these original advertisements and had to show you.
Don't you just love the 50's?

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hey everybody,

I visited a market on the weekend that was Vibrant, on a Picturesque tree lined street, Crowded, Tickled every Sense and best of all Didn't have anything like OUR STUFF!! I'm still buzzing with pleasure and excitement thinking about it..... I HAVE TO apply to have a stall there for later in the year. (When I get approved to have a stall -I'll let you know all about it.)
A perfect, little niche for Edie & Bup to expand and conquer the market at a time!

In the mean time, we are busy writing lists, designing and sewing our little fingers to the bone - for we are going to embark on our first interstate market in Melbourne. Its on 28th of August from 10am-3pm. It has become quite a community event. The market, to be precise is at Taralye Kindergarten, 137 Blackburn Road, Blackburn.
Come and visit us there and have an enjoyable, family fun day eating gorgeous Food, patting animals in the Nursery, grooving to some Live Entertainment, Free activities and maybe a jump on the Jumpy castle. Sounds good, Eh.
Back to my wonderful sewing machine!
Talk soon - Bye for now

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tea Party with Alice PINNY's!

My mum, Moya is extremely clever and while shopping one day had an idea!. She found this old fashioned gorgeously unique fabric. Tea party with Alice. Her fingers couldn't wait to start sewing this fabric into an amazing design.

Little girls would love to enjoy a tea party with Alice,
be drawn into the Wonderland with Mad Hatter
and the Queen of Hearts, visit the Chesire Cat.

Or just sip tea out of little china cups with Nana.

There are only 6 of these PINNY'S left to buy.
Never again to be had as there is no more fabric
from any supplier, as it is a discontinued line.

For Australian buyers click below.
( price in Australian Dollars)


For Worldwide buyers click below.
(price in US Dollars)


Be quick if you want one of these unique PINNY'S
as I know they will go quick.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Hi Everyone. I am now venturing into the blogging world. I am excited to learn and share what my Mum and I are up to. Creativity runs in the family and we get very excited about creating some unique items to share and sell. Please feel free to visit anytime.